Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients Wiki

Every faction is part of a faction group, which is a category based on that faction's cultural ties with similar factions. Faction groups determine what sort of units, general names, and city portraits are available to the factions within the group.

Description[ | ]

Factions represent the various tribes, kingdoms and empires that occupied Italy during the sixth through second centuries BCE. Liberties have been taken to consolidate the vast number of tribes into a reasonable number of independent factions that represent the major powers of the time. Due to changing allegiances, the composition and availability of a faction may change depending on the scenario you are playing.

Each faction is a member of a larger faction group e.g. Latin, Greek, Etruscan, etc. The faction group determines what units, officers and buildings are available for each faction.

Each faction operates as an independent entity and manages resources, buildings and units on their own. With the exception of the player's faction, all other factions are controlled by the computer. You can check on the status of any active factions in the graphs window.

Diplomacy takes place between factions and is based on the mutual hostility and intimidation felt between the two groups.

Camps, bridges and resource buildings have a single controlling faction that is determined by the controlling faction of the unit that built or captured them. Cities and units have both a native and a controlling faction. The native faction represents the tribe who live in a city and provide the recruits for units built there. When another faction captures the city, they become the controlling faction but the native faction remains the same. The morale of a city and its units is based on the hostility between the native and controlling factions.

When starting with a single city in the sandbox, other native cities of your faction will be controlled by an independent variation of your faction e.g. "the Free Sabines". This faction allows the cities to operate and defend themselves, but they have limited ambitions and you cannot enter into diplomatic relations with them.

Faction groups[ | ]

Etruscan[ | ]

The Etruscans are located mostly in Etruria, except the North Etruscans, who inhabit the Po Valley.

Gallic[ | ]

The Gallic factions, or the Gauls, are located in the Po Valley. The region they inhabit is also known as Cisalpine Gaul.

  • Cenomani
  • Insubres
  • Ligures
  • Senones (Invasion Sandbox and non-playable faction in the Pyrrhus Campaign, can also spawn as a non-playable faction in Vanilla through events)
  • Boii (Invasion Sandbox and non-playable faction in the Pyrrhus Campaign)

Greek[ | ]

The Greek factions sit in the the far south of Italy in an area called Magna Graecia, or Greater Greece.

Illyric[ | ]

The Illyric factions are located in the extreme north and south of the Adriatic Coast.

Latin[ | ]

Latin consists only of one main faction, giving it a distinct set of units.

Two varieties of this faction are used as non-playable opponents in the Pyrrhus Campaign.

Raider[ | ]

Raiders are disorganized groups of hostiles that initially control forts near the player's territory. Early quests often pit the player against them. Throughout the game, raiders will spawn and launch raids on the player.

Sabellic[ | ]

The Sabellic factions, sometimes called the Osco-Umbrians, span most of the territory in central Italy, including most of the Appenine Mountains.

Sicilian[ | ]

The Sicilian factions, added in the Eagle King DLC, represent the native inhabitants of Sicily and use a mixture of Sabellic and Greek brigade types.

  • Elymoi (The Eagle King DLC)
  • Sikeloi (The Eagle King DLC)
  • Sikanoi (The Eagle King DLC, only in the smaller Sicily-only sandbox)